Who battled breast cancer and has been in remission since 2012.
Front hook & eye closure with racerback style
Side openings for drainage tubes & prosthetic placements
100% wire-free Soothing fabrics with light compression
Inspired by
Cosabella's Co-Founder and Senior Vice President
Who battled breast cancer and has been in remission since 2012.
As a proud eight-year breast cancer survivor, I wanted to create a bra that would allow women to feel comfortable and beautiful as they undergo the treatment process for breast cancer and afterward.
As a proud eight-year breast cancer survivor, I wanted to create a bra that would allow women to feel comfortable and beautiful as they undergo the treatment process for breast cancer and afterward.
Ideal for sensitive wear during radiation treatment. Prosthetic pockets allow this bra to be used as a solution post-surgery.
Designed for post-surgery use, available to easily shape breast forms for either augmentation, reduction, or reconstruction. This bralette focuses on support, shaping, and compression to stimulate the lymphatic system as the body recovers.
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